Boring? I like this loop! It's very smooooooth :)
Boring? I like this loop! It's very smooooooth :)
oooo tankz I like it's smoothness too but it really just reminds me of a boring lazy day or something, or like a sexy relaxed beach maybe
That's eerie but cool :)
Its kind of worrying to think you'll end a dream :P I was kind of haunted when I made this, very alone in my life and 2014 was a kind of final year in many ways... It was a "cool" journey though... although I don't think I'll repeat it... even if I could.
Thats great! Yeah, I hope you'll go on like this :)
Thank you for the time and review. I would say this is a fairly typical Anchorwind project, if there is a such thing. As such, you may be interested in my other Mother Machine works more than the others if you wish to browse further.
Nice housebeat! What, in 5 minutes? You are talented :)
preciate that homie! I was just testing some 808 kicks I downloaded and thought I'd upload it
hip hop, hip hop - very groovy :)
5 stars!
This song makes me happy :) I like it!
Don't worry, be happy! :D
I like that it does not sound so conventional. Go on like this :)
Thanks! I'll try my best not to be normal. :)
That's very very nice! I'm really happy you uploaded this.
Thank you!
I study Music and play the piano. I hope you'll enjoy my covered songs.
Joined on 4/14/12